Blueroof Productions strives to bring you the latest and greatest in all forms of media. We were founded in 2006 by Jonathan Gutheinz. In 2010 while working on UTA radio Jonathan and his good friend Saul decided to start a podcast and so in 2011 Wolfcast was born. Wolfcast gave birth to blueroofcasting and thus our podcasting network was formed. We now have a fully formed network under our belts.
Podcasting is just one of our goals here at Blueroof Productions. We also produce a series of short stories under the banner of Warzone Entertainment. We offer them free on our site for your enjoyment but if you would like to own your own copy every issue comes with a link to its Amazon page where you can purchase each one for the low price of $3. It is a small but growing universe that we hope you enjoy.
Our main focus at Blueroof Productions has and always will be film making. That is why we were formed in the first place and where our hearts live. Everyone here at Blueroof Productions loves movies and it shows in everything we do.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us at [email protected]