Diego talks about how games have evolved. Jonathan talks about Iceman coming out and what it implies.
Rashaana returns as the gang talks Sex, Porn and TV!
Diego and Jonathan go at it over the future of Star Wars!
The gang continues with the 90's love as they deal with talking toys and a world over come with water.
Comics take a back seat as The Unanny Fans and the crew of Clean Jeans get together to celebrate Jonathan's Birthday.
Life is good. I know that a lot of times I like to complain about random shit that happens in my life but if I'm to be honest I'd have to admit that my life is good. I celebrated my 26th birthday today with some really good friends of mine. Ashley and Esau from Clean Jeans and Diego and Lawrence from Uncanny Fans. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the night than poding and drinking with the likes of them.
The last time I had this much friend was on my real birthday, this past Tuesday. I spend the morning watching furious seven and going out to eat with Esau and then throwing back a few drinks with Saul from Wolfcast. It's hard for me not to think about and see how amazing my life is. How everything always works out for me in the end even if I have to go through hell to get there. The luck of the Irish has always blessed me and I continue to be grateful. I just want the Blueroof nation to know that I'm just as grateful for you guys as I am to my friends. The nation is a great thing to have at your back and I'll always hold you original members in high regard I have a bad habit of letting things get under my skin and pervert the way I see the world. I work really hard to be a cup half full type of guy but sometimes I look around and see how difficult things can be and just get fed up. That isn't productive or helpful in any way shape or form. No matter how tough life gets you always have to see that silver lining and give it everything you can. If people are against you, work harder and show them. What may look like people working against you may just be people trying to teach you and help you to grow. Don't be so quick to think everyone is against you when in fact your life is only getting better and better as you get closer and closer to your dreams.
The gang dives into 1994 as Jonathan talks about watching Lion King while listening to Speed and Ashley brags about going to Turkey.
What's up Blueroof Nation? I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, I've just been busy and stressed and ahhhhhhhhhhh.
I'm a really easy going guy. I like to go out of my way to help people out. If I can do something to help others reach their goals I do it, no questions asked. I've never been one to believe that my success or failure is based off of other peoples success or failure. The rising tide lifts all boats is a phrase I've been hearing a lot lately and I don't understand why more people don't make that their motto. As a film student we are taught time and again that networking is the most important thing in the world and yet all these people are so out for themselves that they go out of their way to stab you in the back. The sad thing is, its not really the students, some students do partake in this but by and large it is the TA's and the teachers that go after students with a vendetta. I go to North Lake College. Its a school that I loved when I first went here for my basics. I loved it so much that when I found out about the film program I ran back and embraced it with everything I have. The sad thing is that as I got farther and farther into the program it became something else, something perverted. I'm a writer. That's where my heart is, where I spend my time. After that I like to direct and act. Now don't get me wrong, I know how to frame a shot and edit. I can even set up lights. It's not rocket science! And yet they treat it like it is. I don't understand it. This school teaches you to be below the line in a production. Nothing wrong with that. Grip work is a lot of fun. Cinematography is an art all on its own. My problem isn't with them, its with the way they treat people who try to do anything else. If you want to write or direct they go out of their way to shit on you. They tear you down. I put a lot of time and energy into my next project and only had two days to get the footage I need. The head of the department knew that, I had talked to him personally about it. He than made a series of hoops to jump through before I could get equipment. I did everything he asked and then . . . he wouldn't reply to emails. It wasn't that he was busy or not near a computer, I know this because while ignoring my teams emails he sent one to a team member who is producing his private TV show. Why is there so much drama in a program that is supposed to be about art and creativity? Why can't we help to build each other up instead of knocking each other down? I think my time of being a nice easy going guy is coming to an end if I have to continue to deal with the back stabbing and trash talking going on. I don't think it would be as bad if I had people to help me and work with me. I end up doing most of the work alone, my main help comes from people who aren't even in the class. How sad is that? I'm tempted to just quit the team I started, take my actors and none class crew and make a different project with equipment I own myself. It's tempting and if I do it I'm not leaving the other team my script. A school of people who look down on writers and yet they all run to them every time a project comes up. I guess I'm getting use to the real world. All I can say is. . . BRING IT ON! The episode everyone has been waiting for. Dragon Ball Z!!!!!! Special guest host Esau, of It's Not My Fault and Clean Jeans fame, comes in and kicks things off.
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