We have made it to the episode that introduces us to the greatest demon hunter ever. . .Sid! Written by Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali. The episode starts off with a voice talking about being made whole again. We move through a group of untalented students getting ready to audition where see a kid with a creepy puppet and hear Cordy trying and failing to sing. Giles is stuck supervising it, while he talks about the new principle named Snyder. The Scooby's sit and mock Giles for a while before running into the new principle, he forces all 3 of them to sign up for the talent show. Poor kids.
The kid with the puppet named Sid, additions and half way through it the puppet starts talking in its own voice and makes fun of the kid. Getting a reaction from everyone. Back in the locker rooms a girl is getting changed when she hears someone coming. The voice from the start yells that it will be made fresh and she screams. The kids trying to show off skills and talents at this school are just jokes. Willow, Buffy and Xander are practicing a dramatic scene but Xander isn't in the spirit of it. The puppet hits on the girls and they get annoyed at his host for it. Snyder talks to Giles about how he is going to change everything about the school. He is going to whip it into shape. He doesn't think kids should be treated like people. The girl is the locker room had her heart removed. It was removed by a knife, so the gang is thinking that it was a human and not a demon who did it. Buffy keeps pushing demon but Giles isn't buying it. I forgot how many times this first season Giles is wrong and one upped by Buffy. It's kind of funny. The gang goes to start questioning everyone about the girl and they all point them towards the kid with Sid. The kids name is Morgan. Buffy talks to Morgan and sees how he keeps holding his head. Sid tells Buffy off and she thinks it is Morgan. She hasn't yet put it all together yet. The Scooby gang thinks it is Morgan who is doing everything. Buffy is fighting against this believe but everyone is against her. Buffy breaks into his locker and someone is watching her. Out of nowhere Snyder gets a hold of and tells her he is watching her. Someone else is still watching both of them. She goes to get Sid but he isn't in there. We see that Sid and Morgan are the ones watching them. In a empty room Sid and Morgan are talking about Buffy and having to get rid of her. Once she is gone Sid will be free. Morgan fights against it. Joyce wants to go see the talent show but Buffy doesn't want her there. She thinks that Joyce will be safer if she doesn't come. Buffy goes to sleep and Sid watches her from outside her window. Buffy lets out a scream and there is no sign of Sid. Joyce tells her it was all a nightmare. The magician keeps messing up his act as Cordy fights with Giles about where in the show she preforms. Buffy tells the other Scooby's about what happened the last night. She tells them that she thinks it was Sid and all they all make fun of her. The rest still thinks that it is Morgan and not Sid. Meanwhile Giles finds out about a tribe of 7 demons who need to get 7 human organs to stay looking like humans. They now think that Morgan might be one of these demons. In class the next day Sid keeps watching Buffy and turns to talk to Morgan. The teacher snaps at him and Sid talks back to the teacher. She takes the dummy up and Morgan is bothered by this. Sid keeps talking trash from inside the locked cabinet. After class he goes to see the teacher to get Sid back but he is missing. Morgan freaks out. It turns out that Xander stole him and brings him into the library to show the rest of the Scooby's. Xander keeps slamming his head into things to prove he is not real. Buffy goes off to find Morgan. Xander is having way too much fun with all of this. Willow and Giles go to do more research. Buffy starts looking around under the stage where the only person she finds is Snyder who threatens her. He is very creepy and it wouldn't be a stretch to think that he is the demon. Willow finds a passage that says that if a doll has life it can harvest human organs to become a human. Now they start to agree with Buffy about the killer being Sid. Buffy finds Morgan's dead body and gets trapped under some lights. The demon. . . or puppet stole Morgan's brain and now is closing in on Buffy. She tries to get free but Sid shows up and tries to kill her. She gets free and traps Sid, the two of them both tell the other that they will never be human. Buffy takes Sid back to the Scooby gang and we learn his back story. He was a demon hunter who was cursed into a dummy. Sid has killed 6 out of the 7 demons and if he can kill the last one he will be free. Now that the demon has the brain he will have taken off so they just need to find out who is missing. Buffy figures out that when Sid kills the last demon he will die. But it will be a blessing for him. He is ready to go. No one is missing from the show. Buffy hops down to talk to Giles and Sid is gone. They are back to thinking he did it. Snyder watches on all creepy like making us think he might have did it. Buffy finds Morgan's brain so now we know the demon or dummy or Sid still needs a brain. They find out that Morgan has cancer and that is why the brain was rejected. Buffy and Xander think the demon is after Willow, meanwhile the magician is working with Giles. He is trying to cut his head open since he is the demon!! Xander figures out that the demon is after Giles. Buffy runs off to go find him. She stops the demon from cutting off his head at the last minute but the rope still breaks and is about to cut off Giles head until Xander saves him. Together Buffy and Sid manage to kill the demon and save the day. Giles is shaken. Sid turns into just a dummy, his spirit leaving it behind. The episode ends with the Scooby's doing the drama reading. It is bad. Very Very Very bad. So bad that Willow runs off stage. I love it!
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