Welcome to the Frankenstein episode of Buffy written by Ty King. The episode starts off with a morbid tale of Angel waking up buried alive. He lets onto Buffy that he is jealous of Xander, he says he isn't but it is clear as day that he is. Their argument is interrupted by the vampire that Buffy came to slay. And slay she does. The second he is dust the fight starts back. Angel storms off and Buffy goes after him falling into an open grave. Angel says another vampire has risen. Now, as stated above, Angel dug his way out of a grave. Wouldn't he know how a grave that a vampire escaped from would look? Why is Buffy the one to figure out that some one dug it up and dragged the body away. Angel, as a vampire should have picked up on that.
The next day Buffy and Xander walk in on Giles asking a chair out. They give Giles a really hard time about liking Jenny, it's pretty funny. And jealous Xander from season one pops up once again. Oh how I missed him! It is nice to see that Xander and Angel are both jealous of each other. Willow is asked to check out some girls legs by her friend Chris's weird friend. She says no thank you, in a few years she would prolly be a lot more ok with it. Cordy reluctantly signs up for the science fair for extra credit. Chris and his friend talk about Cordy being perfect but Chris says that she doesn't work because she is alive. In the library we learn that Cordy had something going on with Chris's older brother. We also learn that the girl who was dug up was one of 3 girls who died in a car crash. They invite Cordy to help dig up the other graves to see if they were all stolen to become zombies but she says no. It was almost her entrance into the Scooby Gang but alas she turned it down. At the graves Giles and Xander dig up the graves while Buffy and Willow gossip. Now Buffy is the strongest one there, couldn't she help out a bit? But we learn some important information during this scene. We learn that Chris's older brother was died. Buffy jumps down and opens the coffin. Back at school someone or something is following Cordy. She gets freaked out. She runs for her car and blames Xander like he would waste his time stalking her. She drops her keys and sees someone coming towards her, she takes off running and hides in a dumpster. It turns out it was Angel. He is hurt that Buffy is at the graveyard and not at home, but that is changed when Cordy starts screaming. The Scoobies come into the library where they see Cordy and Angel waiting. We learn all 3 girls bodies are missing. Turns out that parts of the bodies are in the dumpster that Cordy was hiding in. It throws out all the ideas they have. Buffy suspects that it was a student but Angel says that it looked like a professional. Willow says a couple of the people at school could do it. Xander and Cordy have playful banter that sets up their romance just perfectly. Angel talks Cordy home, setting up their romance beautifully. Although we have to wait years and years for that. Chris leaves his house where his mom is just sitting watching old home videos of his brother playing football. How sad. You can't help but feel bad for Chris. The Scoobies look throw the lockers and figure out that Chris and his friend are behind all of this. We jump to a lab where the two of them are putting a woman's body together. The friend has pictures of Buffy, Willow and Cordy. He wants to use one of them to finish the project. The trio of Scoobies walk up on Giles as he waits all awkward on Jenny. Buffy gives some advice before they take off leaving Giles alone. He tries to ask her out but can't seem to spit it out. She interrupts him that she has to go to class. She then darts back out and invites him to the football game that night. He says yes. She even asks him out to Mexican food, the same thing Buffy told Giles to ask her out to. It's very sweet. I like Giles in love. Everyone should find love in their lives. Uh where is mine? The Scoobies find out that Chris and his friend are still missing a head. They need to find a fresh corpse or kill one. Meanwhile Chris's friend tells him that if they don't find a head soon they will lose the body. Chris doesn't want to kill anyone but his friend keeps pushing it. We then learn that this girl isn't for them, it is for Chris's brother, you know the dead one? Yeah they brought him back to life. He talks Chris into agreeing to kill a girl. The man picks Cordy, after all they did use to date. Giles takes off before helping the Scooby Gang so that he can go meet up with Jenny for their date. Buffy goes to Chris's house to look for him and finds only his mother watching the tapes still. The mother could care less about Chris. She only has eyes for her dead son. Buffy starts to feel bad for Chris, something that she didn't feel a few moments before. Buffy goes downstairs and finds the plans showing Cordy's head on the body. She is almost attacked by the monster but she leaves before he can get her. At school before the big game Chris and his friend kidnap Cordy. Buffy finds Cordy and saves her from Chris's friend. Cordy runs off to go cheer, leaving Buffy alone. She hears someone in the locker room. She goes looking for him and tries to talk Chris out of this. Chris starts to tell her why he is doing this, at first she thinks he is talking about his friend but she soon figures out that he brought his brother back. His brother goes crazy when the friend tells him what happened. Chris and Buffy find out that the brother has left the house. They run back to school, fearing the worst. Meanwhile Giles insults football to Jenny, not meaning any offense and she asks if that is how he handles every first date. He is excited to learn it is a date. Willow and Xander sit with them and Giles is beyond annoyed. Jenny finds it a bit funny. Cordy wakes up just in time to see the brother and friend getting ready to cut off her head and put it on the other body. Chris caves in and tells Buffy where they are. She sends him to get Willow and Xander while she goes to save Cordy. Cordy tells the brother she will date him anyways. She doesn't need the other body. He tells her that he needs her to be a freak like him so that she will stay loyal to him. Buffy shows up just in time. A fight breaks out, during which gas falls everywhere. As the fire spreads and the fight kicks into high gear Xander shows up and frees Cordy. Giles and Willow get Chris's friend out of the lab. Chris shows up and yells for his brother to stop. He lets go of Buffy and runs into the fire to be with the body they made for his wife. Angel shows up at the end of everything, not able to do a damn thing because he was late!!! Jenny asks Giles out on a second date. I'm happy for them! Meanwhile Xander tells Willow that he will never find a girl to date, Cordy picks this moment to walk up to him and try and thank him. He insults her and sends her away. It was almost the start of their relationship. A relationship that I am a big big fan of. I loved the two of them together. In the graveyard Angel and Buffy talk about their relationship and what it could be. It is a sweet ending to a crazy episode that couldn't be more Frankenstein if it tried. Right down to the fire. It's perfect. Now let's all get some rest so we can get to tomorrow's episode! Because . . . . Spike!!!!!!!!!!
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