Welcome to a Tim Minear penned episode that starts off with what is basically a basketball game with a volleyball. This scene has always meant a lot to me. I fell down the rabbit hole of Joss Whedon through Buffy and Angel as everyone knows. But the time when I fell into it hardest was when Serenity was coming to theatres soon. So I wanted to check out Firefly, but I wanted to watch it all at once so I had to buy it on DVD. Before I had a chance to, I went to my aunts house where they had Firefly on, it was this scene. I didn't want to watch it because I wanted to watch it all at once from the start, but I couldn't look away from the screen. This was the first scene of Firefly I ever saw. To me it is key to what Firefly is.
As the crew is playing an alarm sounds and Wash runs up to take control of the ship. A floating body hits the ship and they find a dead ship floating in space alone. River says simply that it is a ghost. The crew decides to check out the other ship to see what's wrong. As Simon makes his way towards the ship Jayne punks him out of going. Jayne can be a real ass sometimes. They enter the ship, it really is in the words of River, a ghost ship. There is no one there but food is still sitting out ready for eating. Whatever happened it happened quick fast and in a hurry. It looks as if people just vanished. To the point of someone writing a journey log when it happened. It's Firefly doing their version of a Star Trek story. Jayne tells Simon that he has to wear his space suit, remember when I said he was an ass? Well they didn't need to wear suits anymore. He shows up looking like a fool in front of everyone else. It turns out they didn't even need him on the ship. Mal isn't amused but sends him with Kaylee, who tells him that he has the suit on wrong. He's lucky he didn't really need it. Mal and Zoe figure that the logs are wrong. Not everyone could have fit on the escape pods. Kaylee sees that there is nothing wrong with the ship itself either. The farther into the ship they go the less like a Star Trek episode it becomes. It starts taking on more of an Alien vibe. Mal and Zoe find food supplies to last a good long time. They find out that nobody escaped. All the crew's bodies are chained to the roof. Mal orders everyone off the ship but just as quickly someone attacks Jayne. Mal knocks out the attacker and brings him onto their ship. Jayne says that he must have been the one to kill everyone. Simon tries to help the guy but he keeps mumbling about everyone being weak. The man is the sole survivor of a Reavers. Book says that Reavers are just men and that there is nothing they could do that the crew couldn't undo. Mal shuts him down. Mal wants to still get everything off the ship but Jayne is too scared to step foot onboard the ship. Simon and Book go to help put the dead to rest, Jayne is forced to go with them to help out. Mal doesn't accept that he has faith but says on the off chance that there is that these people could use some peace. Could it be that part of Mal still believes? Not so much, it turns out it was busy work for them while Mal and the others deal with the fact that ship has been locked together with an explosive and they have to do the hard task of unhooking them. Jayne gets the food of the ship just as River screams and the rescued man escapes from the bridge. Kaylee frees the ship from the booby trap and everything seems to be working out for the crew. All is perfect for once. Until the alarm goes off, Reavers on the way. Or an Alliance ship coming just in time to arrest them all. The head officer orders Simon and River to be shot on sight since they don't know why they are wanted. Mal tells Simon to go and get his sister, Simon thinks that Mal is trying to sell them out. Book of all people jumps to Mal's defense. The Alliance storms the ship and River and Simon are nowhere to be seen. A solider tells the officer something and everyone is arrested and brought onto the Alliance ship. Now comes the interviews with the crew. One of my favorite scenes from the show as a whole. It's so fun to get into all the characters heads. Zoe won't talk about her and Wash's marriage due to them being private people but Wash won't shut up about how sexy his wife is and what it's like in bed with her. Very different people. River and Simon are outside the ship in space suits hugging the ship. Ironic since Simon was talking about earlier about how the thought of having nothing but that suit to save your life scares the hell out of him. The officer tells Mal that it is odd that he named his ship after a battle he was on the wrong side of. Mal says that it may have been the losing side but he isn't convinced that it was the wrong one. The survivor has cut his own tongue. Mal and his crew are arrested and the survivor starts attacking the medical personal trying to help him. Mal tries to tell the officer about Reavers but he won't listen. Until he figures out that the survivor is attack his men. He handcuffs Mal and orders him to lead them through the ship. Simon and River have returned to the ship and now must hide as the Alliance is back on Serenity. Mal takes down the survivor, saving the officer's life. He takes all the goods from Mal and co and lets them go before he blows up the ghost ship. This is such a great episode that really shows the heart and soul of Firefly.
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