The second ABC show set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This one set in 1946, following the adventures of Peggy Carter. She has to deal with being a woman in a man's world all the while dealing with the loss of her beloved Steve Rogers AKA Captain America.
In the first episode written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeel we start off with a flash back to Captain America crashing the plane into the ice at the end of the movie. It sets up Peggy's emotional arc for the first season. We also are quickly exposed to the story arc, it would seem that Howard Stark is wanted by the authorities. Howard Stark, the father of Tony Stark, no matter what the comic books say. We see right off the bat that Peggy is not treated well at the SSR, Strategic Scientific Reserve, she is thought of as nothing but a woman. Women are seen as less than men and she suffers for that. They want Peggy to watch the phones but she forces her way into the room. She is insulted by her fellow agents but Daniel Sousa sticks up for her. She snaps at him, telling him that she doesn't need help. That she can take care of herself. She isn't wrong. People treat her like she was nothing more than Cap's girlfriend during the war, not noting that she was so much more. Outside the bar she meets Jarvis and knocks him out. And shoots at Stark before figuring out its him. He tells her about how his store room was robbed. He asks her to look into things and clear his name. She agrees. It isn't long before she starts to look into the case, even stealing information out from under Thomson who is assigned the case. Jarvis doesn't much care to venture outside his home at night, something that changes really fast once he starts living a life of action. And oh what action we have in this first episode. While not on the budget of the big films in the universe it still looks amazing for a low budget TV show. Welcome to the MCU of the late 40's. Hope you survive the experience.
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