I've been a StarCraft fan since I was a kid. I remember when Brood War came out and I got to play it the day before it came out. Everyone at the boys and girls club stood around me as I started the game up. We were all so eager to see the story that I might have typed in "there is no cow level" a few times before saying screw it and typing in "Ophelia" and going right to the end. I remember being crushed by StarCraft Ghost getting cancelled and the excitement at StarCraft two finally being coming out. Although I am still waiting for part 3!!!!!!! Hurry up Blizzard I mean come on!!!! I've even read most of the books that have come out for it. StarCraft is one of my true loves. It is the game that I have played more than any other short of Super Mario Brothers 3. I always wished that they would turn it into a movie or even better a TV show. This hope was increased when they announced the Warcraft movie but it doesn't seem to be in the works. I thought I would never even come close to finding my favorite game brought to life, that is until I found this short film! It's so amazing! It captures the heart of StarCraft and has a sweet story about a boy and his mother to boot. How great is that? This is a must watch film! And look! I put it up for you guys to watch! Now that you guys watched and loved it! Because lets be honest, you loved it! Be sure to go and like it! and give them a subscribe; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIIKUpryl2Q
And while your at it, be sure to give me one too!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA9Ws04n3fvC6PONW9VynCw
So I just finished watching Jurassic World and I have to say, that movie was amazing! One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Chris Pratt delivers a great performance as he always does. I mean Guardians of the Galaxy anyone?
What made this movie so brilliant is the way they toyed around with nostalgia. While watching it you felt like you were back in 1993 watching Jurassic Park. There was even a character wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt! He had some lines that were pure genius. The man talks about how great the first "park" is and how nothing could live up to it. How the first one didn't need stunts or tricks to make it great. It took the fire out of people who would say the same thing about the first movie. I you make fun of yourself than no one else can use it against you. The line about all they needed was dinosaurs, not all this extra shit, or well I'm paraphrasing. But what they were getting out was how much of the first one was practical and how much effects were used in this one. Even though the first one changed effects for all the movies that came after it. If you haven't gone to see it, go see it! It is the best movie I've seen in a while and well worth a watch!
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