Welcome to another episode of the one and only Slider, written by the creator himself Tracy Torme. The show opens as the Sliders land on a new world that looks normal but seems very empty. It seems no one is there. Remy brags that his knee pads have made Sliding painless but the others don't seem to care, or even want to try it.
As the sliders walk around we, not the sliders, see a sign that says Kromaggs rule. Welcome to sliders 2.0, we now have bad guys. Wade asks what Kromaggs are but none of the others have any idea. All Quinn knows is that something is messing with the timer. They start to follow the signal towards the disruption so they can fix whatever is wrong with the timer. Wade and Remy want to leave, run the other way and get far far away from the weird sound but Quinn points out that if they don't figure it out they will never know when to slide. It doesn't matter much because our heroes spot what looks to be a spaceship and before they can run it spots them. Quinn fires off the timer and it makes the ship crash. It was working on the same frequency as the timer and allowed him to sort out their circuits. The sliders go and investigate the fallen spaceship because lets be honest, wouldn't we all? It's a fallen ship from what looks to be outer space. That is beyond cool. Wade and Remy want to run but Arturo and Quinn have already started to investigate. A weird man shows up and tells them that the Kromaggs aren't from outer space and they don't eat eyes. He tells them that they came to this Earth to take over and kill everyone but they are from right here. Could it be another dimension? That would be a fun twist would it not? Quinn and Arturo head inside the ship, leaving Wade and Remy outside to keep watch. We learn that the ship is more or less alive itself. It grows it's own air, the same air they breath. Quinn still thinks they are aliens. Remy and Wade walk around the theme park, not really keeping look out is it? Remy starts bitching to Wade about how he shouldn't be here, he should still be back on Earth Prime. Wade says that there is no point in crying about, even if he is the crying man. But what she wants to know is why she can't go inside the ship with Quinn and Arturo. That's what she is mad about. Inside the ship Quinn and Arturo find a dead Kromagg and set off an alarm by mistake. They run off, find the others and all four take off as more Kromaggs show up. The chase is on! They have 23 seconds till the slide and manage to lose the Kromaggs chasing after them. Before they can open the vortex the Kromaggs turn on the lights to make it easier to find them. Arturo says that the Kromaggs look humanish. He is more right than he knows. Arturo and Remy jump into the vortex when Wade and Quinn spot another vortex open up and a ship fly out of it. They now know that the Kromaggs are sliders like them. They jump throw the vortex and escape into the new world where Arturo knocks out a man holding bread. It seems they are on a world owned by the French. Arturo tells the others that the Kromaggs could be a different version of intelligent life on their Earth. Wade wants to warn every Earth about the Kromaggs and Arturo agrees but doesn't know how they should go about it. No one will believe them. The Kromaggs watch footage of Quinn and Arturo walking through the ship. They now know what the Sliders look like. At the restaurant the Sliders didn't have any money and Arturo had to give them his watch. Arturo took something from the ship to use as proof that the Kromaggs were real. It starts blinking and a vortex opens as a ship comes out. It knocks out the sliders as Quinn tries to use the timer on them. They take the device Arturo stole and timer from our heroes before locking them up. The Sliders wake up stuck to a wall. They are prisoners of the Kromaggs who are using some woman to talk to them. The Kromaggs are psychic. Remy tries to talk them into letting them leave but it is of no use. We learn that the Kromaggs have mastered sliding. They can control it at will. They came for the Sliders since they murdered one of them. The sliders tell them they were defending themselves but the Kromaggs call them liars. The girl tells them that the Kromaggs are mankind's savors not their enemies. The sliders lose track of time as they are questioned one by one. They keep them apart and mess with their sleep so that they can't focus. It is Remy's turn for questioning, leaving Quinn alone. Arturo and Wade never came back. Could they be hurt? Could they be dead? What does it all mean? Remy walks down the hall like the voices told him to and ends up in a room with his father. He tells Remy that Earth Prime is owned by the Kromaggs and that is better now. They made everything good, everything better. Remy doesn't seem to trust him. He tells Remy that he is heading back to the Kromaggs home world. That makes them lucky. He tells Remy that they need to work with the Kromaggs. Let them cross check Earth Prime with their records to make sure that it isn't a threat. They don't believe that Quinn invented the timer but Remy tells him it is true. Remy figures out it is all a trap when his father talks about a sister that Remy never had. Arturo comes back to the cell where Remy is. A mystery man tells them that there are thousands of human prisoners. Some as slaves and some as food. After all Kromaggs eat human eyes. Arturo tells Remy that no matter what happens they keep their secrets to themselves. Just then Remy walks into the room. Arturo was talking to a mental image of Remy that they put into his head. The Kromaggs offer Wade a chance to go home, they just need to know where their Earth is. Wade tells them that they are lost. That is more information than she should have told them. The Kromaggs ask if she is the first wave of an army and she tells them that her home world knows nothing about the Kromaggs, they don't believe her and she tells them that she doesn't trust them. They tell her that unless she tells them what they want to know they will kill Quinn so she just talks and tells them about different worlds they have been through. Wade ends up back with Arturo and Remy. Quinn is not there. Arturo tells them that they have to keep their secrets even if it means death. He also says that Quinn is most likely already dead. The girl who speaks for the Kromaggs has taken Quinn to what she says is a sanctuary. She tells them that the Kromaggs are after all the other Earths because they are all run by humans and they can't have that. They want to be the dominate species. She tells Quinn that he is to die but she likes him, she likes the way he stood up to the Kromaggs. She wants him to live. He asks her to bring the timer and his friends but she tells him that his friends are to die the next day and he will be taken to the home world and questioned until he tells them everything. She tells him that she is powerless but he keeps trying to talk her into helping. She tells him she can't and runs off, but not before handing him something. Back in the cell the others are waiting as Quinn walks in. They are all back together. The object she gave Quinn is a key. He uses it to get them out of the cell. Arturo is scared it is a trap but Quinn says that it is the only option they have. Wade offers to help the mystery man in the next cell but the Kromaggs already ate his eyes and he doesn't want to leave. The bitter man calls for the guards, figuring if he can't leave than they can't either. The Sliders run as the Kromaggs give chase. Quinn messes up their sliding equipment to try and slow them down. Giving them a head start if they can just find the timer. The girl gives them back their timer and opens a portal to take them back to the world where they were kidnapped. She is shot and dying so the Sliders leave her there and go back to French world. She gave her life saving the sliders. Now that is a hero! Quinn stays with her till her last breath than jumps through the vortex. The girl is still alive, it turns out that they put a tracking device in one of the sliders. She sold them out. She is not a good person, not a hero! She fooled us all! The Kromaggs are here to stay and humans are helping them!
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AuthorThe show that got me into TV, Sliders!!! Archives
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