Ashley fills Jon in on his story from last week about the crazy parents locking up their own kids before Jon starts ranting about evil cops and the harm they cause.
Welcome to yet another Firefly review! Our Mrs. Reynolds is one of the all time great episodes of Firefly, a major feat seeing as every episode of this short lived show is pure genius. This episode was written by the one and only Joss Whedon himself, while it was
directed by Vondie Curtis Hall. If you haven't seen the episode yet, you can find it here. So let's get right into it! Because, truth be told it has one of the funnest intros of any of the episodes, along with one of the most quotable lines. A horse led carriage is pulled over at gun point and it's only then that we learn it is Jayne with Mal dressed as his wife. It's so unexpected you can't help but laugh. We then get the golden line that shows off Whedon's skill with a pen. "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you." I don't know why but it just cracks me up every time I hear it. After Zoe takes care of the robbers, the crew go back to town and have a party thrown in their honor. Everything seems to be all good when they take off the next morning, at least until Mal finds a woman hiding on the ship. She tells him that she is his wife. Mal is freaked out by the turn of events, while Jayne keeps getting more and more jealous. Zoe on the other hand finds the whole thing funny and calls everyone to town. Jealousy flashes across Inara's face, but just for a moment. Book goes and figures out what happened. It seems that the village has a weird marriage ceremony and he took part of it. Something he is not happy about. He says as much and she runs off crying. "Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill them right back." Another great line. This episode is full of them. Much like when we learn of the special hell, reserved for people who take advantage of the young, and people who talk in theaters. I just love this episode. Mal tells Saffron that she is only going to be on the ship for 5 days. She tells him that she will use the 5 days to prove herself, something he doesn't want her to do. Wash asks about her cooking and Zoe, his wife, his warrior wife, puts him in his place very quick. Mal runs to Inara for a place to hide and finds himself in hot water. She is clearly pissed off at him and he goes out of his way to make it worse. You just have to love their relationship. Or well, lack there of. To make matters worse, Jayne tries to trade his prized gun, Vera, for Saffron. Mal's only response, another golden line, is to tell him that his days of not taking him seriously is coming to a middle. Zoe and Wash get into a fight over Saffron, while Mal goes back to his room to find her in his bed naked. She then uses bible verses to try and seduce him. He's a good man who tries very hard not to give in, but she's good. This might be a good time to throw in that some losers on a space station were watching Serenity fly by and talking about how much money they could make from it. Now back to our regularly schedule program. She makes her way to the cockpit and tries her seducing skills on Wash, but unlike the very single Mal, Wash is a married man who loves his wife more than anything. He doesn't give in to her, Zoe would kill him. Not even joking, she would kill him. Since she couldn't seduce Wash, she knocks him out cold and locks him out of the cockpit. She takes over the ship and messes up the controls so no one can fix it. At least not in time to do anything about their new destination. She even seals the door so no one can get in. Saffron tries to get into the shuttle but finds Inara there. It seems all the view screens are shut off. She then starts to try and seduce Inara, who sees right through her. Turns out that Saffron has some companion training. She gets past Inara and steals the shuttle. Inara rushes to Mal's quarters to make sure he is still alive. All hell is breaking loose on the ship. Inara kisses the unconscious Mal, calls for Simon and passes out. It seems that she poisoned the lip gloss. Book won't let Mal off the hook for kissing her, even after they figure out she set them up. You gotta love Book. Wash and Kaylee try to fix Serenity as quickly as possible but all they manage is to get the lights and computers back on. But it doesn't do them much good since they can't get the controls back up. They find out that they are headed to a net that will catch the ship and hold them until the people who want to steal the ship can kill them all and take it from them. Book seems to know all about it, yet again telling us that he is something more than just a preacher. Jayne and his beloved Vera take aim at the breakers controlling the net. It is their only shot at getting out of this alive. Luckily Vera is one badass of a gun and saves our heroes. Killing the two losers who were trying to take their ship as well. Wash and Kaylee get control of Serenity back and they track down Saffron. Recovering their shuttle pod and knocking her out. We end the episode with the reveal that Mal is an idiot. He confronts Inara about how she passed out. He knew she didn't trip and fall. She confesses. It looks as if they are about to kiss and he ruins it by saying he knew she kissed Saffron. He was so close, because let's not pretend they don't love each other. It's clear as day. But anyways, that's all for now! See you all next time, and CHECK OUT THIS EPISODE! Hey everyone and welcome back to the long forgotten Firefly review page where we talk all about Firefly. After almost 2 years we are finally on episode five, Safe. It took us far too long to get here and that is all on me. But, as I always say, I will try to be better. Or so I say.
If you hven't already seen the episode I put up a link, and let's just dive into it. The episode was written by Drew Z. Greenberg and directed by Michael Grossman. The episode starts off with a young River playing as a young Simon, played by a young Zac Efron. It's so weird seeing him so young, but even back then he had the acting chops. In the present River starts to having one of her attacks and Mal comes in telling Simon to keep her under control. Something that Simon is not happy about. The herd of cattle from the last episode keep getting startled by her, so his aggravation is understandable. It doesn't take long for Simon and Mal to go at it again over the issue of River. Mal doesn't really insult her but Simon goes out of his way to take offense. Mal sends them to the town so that they don't get in the way of his dealing. Inara and Kaylee are already there. Kaylee wanted to buy Simon a present but within moments he insults the gift, Serenity and Mal. Breaking Kaylee's heart. She tells him off and leaves the store. Breaking your heart right along with hers. Simon doesn't even have time to deal with it before noticing that River is gone. Meanwhile Mal is having a hard time with the buyers. They keep trying to cheat him. They are far too jumpy for anyone's comfort and sure enough no longer do they come to a deal than the police show up to arrest them. I always love the whole "You are bound by law" thing. It's so cool and so "Firefly". I don't know how anyone could not love this show. A gun fight breaks out during and Mal and Jayne are caught in the middle. Back in town, River is dancing and enjoying every moment of it. If you know anything about Summer Glau, she started off as a dancer and was cast in an episode of Angel, Waiting in the Wings, as a ghost dancer. So anytime they get the chance to show off, she does. During the gun battle Book gets shot and Mal rushes him back onto the ship. They try to keep him alive but it is beyond their skill level. Wash runs to town to look for Simon, but has little luck finding him. This is due to him being captured by local towns folk. He flashes back to when he first noticed something was wrong with River and her school. He wants to go and save her but his parents are strongly against it. Assuring him that she is fine. He is not convinced. Wash tells the captain that the villagers up in the hill take tradesman captive and force them to work for them. Now they have a doctor, Kaylee wants to go rescue him but Mal orders them to leave. Poor Simon and River look up just in time to see Serenity take off. Mal and Wash try to figure out where to take Book to save his life and Inara throws out the idea of going to the Alliance for help. Something that Mal is against. Can you blame him? The Alliance is everything Mal is against. He fought against them in the war and even after losing still sees himself in battle with them. It is who he is and he can't help it. But more than that, he is a man who helps those who put their faith in him. He agrees to go to the Alliance for help. Making Wash and us watching at home nervous. Nothing with these people ever go right. The towns people waste no time in putting Simon to work and he doesn't waste a moment arguing. It seems, he a good man who just wants to help. The Alliance storms onto the ship and start to act like they own the ship. Zoe gives them fake paper work and they seem to buy it but tell Mal that they can't help Book. They don't help civilians. Book then does something that drives all long time fans crazy. He gives the Alliance his ID and they jump to helping him. Setting up that he has a connection with the Alliance. Now, everyone from the crew of Serenity to us enjoying the show wants to know what it is. Unfortunately the show was canceled before they had a chance to answer the question. When we got the movie we thought we would get answered but no. They even closed off the chance for us to get answers. It was a damn shame. That is until The Shepherd's Tale came out. A comic book that takes place during Book's final moments of his life but flashes back over the course of his life answering all our questions. It's well worth a read. Back on world, River talks to a mute girl and gets called out as a witch, never a good thing. These people are strict Christians who don't support witches, to say the least. Back in the past Simon is bailed out of jail by his father who tells him that if he gets in trouble again he is on his own. Cut off from the family. We have to believe that this is the last time he saw his family. It must have been so hard for Simon to turn his back on everything he has ever known. He is truly one of the strongest people on the show, even if he doesn't seem like it. River tells the townfolk that their leader is a murderer so they believe she is a witch even more now. Because seeing truth and spreading falsehoods go so well together right? On Serenity, Jayne points out they would be better off with Simon and River and Zoe agrees that it would be easier without them. On world, Simon throws his lot in with Rivers, if she dies he dies and it seems it might go down like that until Serenity shows up and Mal and Zoe walk right in and take Simon and River from them. Jayne quickly returns everything he stole, what kind of asshole steals from his own crew. It's so fucked up, it's so Jayne. God I love this show. It ends with Simon asking why Mal saved him and he gets the most Malist of answers. "You're on my crew." This episode drives home the core tenet of Mal's character over and over. If you are one of his crew, he will do anything for you. He showed that with Book and again with Simon. It's just who he is. Jonathan talks about news in the Xenaverse of all things.
Ashley suggests a contract to solve the #metoo movements problems. Jonathan dives into issues with today's generation, hint it has to do with Tidepods.
Uncanny Fans returns as Jonathan dives into Star Trek films and TV shows coming back under one roof. He also talks about the stupid reason that Disney got rid of the EU.
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