I feel like I have so much I want to do but not enough time to do. It drives me crazy running around trying to get everything done but it's the good kind of crazy. The kind that makes you just want to try harder and harder. To show all the people who work against you up and prove them wrong. It's a feeling that drives you and pushes you.
I've been toying with the idea of turning Warzone into radio plays, I'm not sure yet but the short stories take so long to write and it keeps getting pushed back due to the other projects I'm working on. Taking away from the comic book feel that I want them to have. But if I do them as radio plays in the form of comics maybe it would work better? Maybe it could be more enjoyable for myself as well as our listeners? I don't know, it's just an idea and we will see what happens with it.
I can't believe it has been over a month since my last blog. I feel like so much has happened since then. We have started filming a skit mocking my time at North Lake. I'm really excited about it and can't wait for people to see it. Well I can't wait to finish it. We still have a great deal to film before it is done.
Editing it will be a great deal harder than it should be since my laptop finally died. It died. For a while now it would only turn on while plugged in. Then it went and made my life harder by not wanting to turn on at all. One night it turned itself off and never came back on. Since then I have not been a happy camper. Over at Clean Jeans, things have been going great. We have a new logo designed and have just finished recording a thank you pod for anyone who buys a shirt that we are currently working on. It'll be cool to see people wearing stuff with our logo and names on it. We also have started getting more and more people reaching out to us about the show and what they like about it. Dr. Sean is still our greatest supporter but its cool to have more people joining his voice in support. It feels like I have been doing all of this in a vacuum for a long time and that is finally changing. Blueroof Stories has not been getting the views it use to, but that doesn't bother me too much. I made this new season as a way to take back film making for myself after the hell that I went to at North lake. It was something for me, to make it fun again and it really did. I was supposed to post an episode last Monday but due to my laptop dying I wasn't able to. Nor was I able to edit the last episode I filmed. I'm going to try and post it today if I can and start editing the film episode for next Monday. Trapped in the woods is a film that has vexed me twice now. The original plan for this summer was to try a third time and while I still want to try it a third time I turned that film into the ending of a trilogy. I'm almost done with the script for the first film in that series and hopefully we can start shooting soon. Blueroof Productions is growing and I want to thank everyone who helps us along the way. |
AuthorJonathan Gutheinz vents about everything under the sun. Archives
November 2024
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