So last week I worked on my friend Diego's film, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how it turns out. As soon as it is done I'll be sure to put up a link here to the finished project. As much as I love running my own sets I have to admit I have missed greatly being on someone elses set. Anytime Davis, Larry or Diego need help I'll be there because those guys are so much fun to work with and know what they want. It's always nice when the director has a vision and knows what they want. I hate to admit it, sometimes on set I worry too much about making sure everyone is happy and content that the work suffers for it a bit. It's something I am working on.
Now onto some of my own stuff. I am almost done with the horror Christmas movie. Finally got to the last act. As soon as that is finished I will start work on a new draft for Trapped in the Woods, pushing Relics back a bit. Me and Ashley want to start work on the film again, the down side is we lost most of the actors from last year so we will need to start from page one. It is a set back but not the end of the world. I spent most of today editing episode 12 of Blueroof Stories. It is the first episode with the new intro and the first time I color corrected an episode or put music under it. It really does make a world of difference. I can't wait to start editing the other four episodes. Blueroof Stories is back with a vengeance!!!! I can't wait for you guys to see the new episode, season 3 starts on Monday!
Between filming Blueroof Stories and writing my Santa Horror movie I feel more alive than I have in a long time. It's like I've been born again. It feels so good to get back to work without people trying to tear you down and make you feel like dirt.
I didn't get to film as many episodes for this season of Blueroof Stories as I had hoped due to the neighbors starting to yell, lasting pretty much all day but I have the first and third episode finished. As soon as this rain stops I'll go film episode 2. So I should be able to start putting them out on Monday, as long as I can finish editing it in time. My number one goal tomorrow is editing so I'm sure I can get it done. For those of you who have been enjoying the reviews, I'm sorry that they have stopped. I will get back to them, I promise I've just had so much going on lately that I haven't had the time. I'm not going to promise that they will start back this week but I hope that they can. We'll have to see, but most of my free time has been spent on this new script. Now the budget is a bit more than we have right now at Blueroof Productions but we do have an idea on how to get it out to you guys. I'll have more on that soon. Thank you guys for sticking with us. Much love Blueroof nation! So I just got done filming episode 12 of Blueroof Stories. It was so much fun, I mean it was a short easy episode but I'm still excited to start editing it. Tomorrow hopefully I can get the wig so I can film episode 14-16 and on Sun I will film episode 13. That's five episodes that will be filmed this weekend and another episode to be filmed next week, hopefully, that one is dependent on another person so keep your fingers crossed. It is so nice to be getting back to work on something that helped get me the fans that I have. Blueroof Stories started way back when I first learned about After effects and wanted to try stuff out. Some of it has been better than others but I always enjoyed making them and I hope people enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them. It'll be here soon, let me know what you guys think. For Fun I thought I'd put the first of the series down below. Go catch up! So once again I have arrived at my birthday. It seems that every year I have another one. Who knew that was how it worked. Every year I am reminded of how I have yet to get near my goals in life. I need to do something, anything to get there. I haven't even been filming anything unless it is at school. Now the stuff I have filmed at school has been cool and I am proud of it but I need to do more. I need to be the creator that I know I can be.
I started working on my Santa Horror movie and I love it so far but it is far out of my budget. I just need to figure out how to make everything I want to make. It is hard, it is something that I have no ideas how to make work but I know I have to. Birthdays make me feel so small, I miss when I use to look forward to them and enjoy them. Maybe one day I will again. I didn't get much work done yesterday but I did manage to start the reviews back up and record a podcast. I'm really hoping to get some writing done today. It seems to me that I have to find a way to hear my voices again. They have gone silent since everything that has gone down this semester but there has to be a way to pull them out.
The only things I can write is Crusaders and Warzone and while those two are most important to me but I want to write movies and other shows as well. I just need to find a way to get my heart and soul back. To find my voice back. It is out there somewhere just waiting for me. I've had the most crazy of weekends and got next to no work done. The entertainment news and reviews went down for a while. I'm really hoping tonight I'll have some time to get back to work and get everything on track the way it is supposed to work.
This weekend was a blast. Sometimes it is fun to blow off work and enjoy yourself. Its something I don't do nearly enough, something that I wish I could do more often. I spend so much of my life going after what I want in life and sometimes I forget to enjoy the little moments. This weekend was all about the little moments and I'm glad I had them. A long time ago, long before I wanted to be a writer I wanted to be a comic book artist. Part of why I came up with Warzone was because I wanted to draw my own comics. I was starting to get decent at drawing when I switched gears to writing because I enjoyed it more. I haven't drawn in a long time.
Lately I haven't been writing as much as I use to. The reason being, I feel drained. It feels like I keep writing and writing and it never does anything other than take up space on my hard drive. North Lake, both the students and the teachers have drained me to the point of why bother. I'm tried of trying to get other people to help me make films. No one else here really cares about film making and it kills me inside. I need to go it alone and leave these people behind. But as I start on this task I need to create something that I can finish so that it doesn't all seem for nothing. That is why I am trying to teach myself how to draw again. What little skills I had taught myself have long since vanished. I need to start over and that is something I aim to do. |
AuthorJonathan Gutheinz vents about everything under the sun. Archives
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