Hello Blueroof Nation. So there are no new reviews today, but there is good reason for it. One of our fans let us know that he couldn't listen to the new episode of Clean Jeans on his phone. It turns out that since I have been using the same layout for this website for years it is having problems. Turns out that Weebly knows there is an issue but aren't too focused on fixing it, at least not right away. So the only way to fix the podcast issue is to make a new template for the website.
I wasn't too excited about the idea because I really loved the old version, but the fans come first and Clean Jeans is our main product at the moment so I did what I had to do to fix the issue. I updated the website. The downside is it took me all day so I didn't have time to do the reviews but you guys got a new youtube video and podcast! So it's not a complete loss. I'd really love to hear what you guys think of the new site and I will still be fixing it up more and more over the next week. Thanks for the support, love you nation.
I can't help but wonder the point of life sometimes. I'm currently skipping class sitting at a table outside in the courtyard of North Lake. A table where I spent a lot of time the first go around at North Lake. It brings back a lot of memories of my hay-day, back when I was young and full of life. So confident that everything was going to work out and that by 30 I'd be a big shot movie director.
I'm a little more than a week out from my 28th birthday and well, I've failed to make the same movie twice, have a handful of shorts that have never seen the outside of youtube and well why we are talking about youtube, I have a bunch of skits that do okay, but not great. I also have a series of short stories no one has ever heard of and about half a dozen podcasts that go unlistened to. Not really where I thought I would be at this point in my life. On the flipside, my podcast Clean Jeans is growing in fans and that is a nice feeling but overall I'm far short of where I want to be. So what do I do? Well, I keep at it. I try harder and pour my very soul into everything and hope that by 40 I get where I want to be. God, 40. So old. Sometimes I sit here and think that I'll never make it, that I'm wasting my time and my life chasing after something that is out of reach but at the same time, there is nothing else I want to do. This is it. It's this or nothing. This summer I need to try round 3 for making a film, maybe not Trapped in the Woods, at least not yet but I will make something. Sitting here, in this spot where I spent so much time all those years ago, I recall the sense of hope I felt back then. I can feel the sense of destiny that has long since left me. This is the feeling that I need to take with me moving forward. This is how I should feel everyday, no matter what life throws at me. Never give up, never surrender. What to do? What to do? Okay, so back about a year or so I tried to turn Uncanny Fans into a video series instead of, or well, in addition to the podcast. But people did not seem to like the idea. My views dropped horribly. So I didn't stick with it. To be fair I wasn't into those videos as much as I could have been. I only did them because everyone kept pushing me to, but now I face something similar. I've been throwing stop motion stuff into my videos for years and I've always wanted to do more. So I finally started doing more and. . . well no one seems to like them. They get less and less views every time I post one. So my question, should I keep making them? Now I love making these videos but I really want to try to build an audience so what should I do? It's a hard question that has been weighing on my mind for a while now. I think, at least for now I'll keep making them and just hope that it grows on people. To label this blog late is an understatement. I told you guys I would report when Ascension came out, which as of this post is two weeks ago, so needless to say, I'm late. But life happens and sometimes things get over looked. Now I'm proud of the video, but I want to take some time to talk about the YouTube of it all. For the score of the short I used some royalty free music I found online and was flagged when posting the video. YouTube gave the ability to dispute it and this is where my issues come in. It turns out that the way YouTube lets you dispute a claim against you is they tell the people who has the claim that you disagree with it and they decided if it is valid or not. Now If they decide that the claim is valid than they make all the money that your video brings in. Why on Earth would they ever say anything other than it's valid? That's money in their bank for doing nothing. Now YouTube gives you another chance to fight it but they give you the warning that if you lose again your account will be affected. So basically it is their way of saying fuck you to creators. It's a really messed up system that makes no sense but I guess it lets them off the hook and that's all they seem to care about, making money and not dealing with bullshit. Which to sum up is everything that is wrong with the world today. Just my two cents, but hey, you guys can watch the video so please do and I hope you enjoy! So as I said in my last blog, I have returned to set life. I was working on a project with my friend Lawrence over from the Uncanny Fans and it was so much fun. It just blew me away. It really reminded me why I love film life so much. The project had a lot of hiccups along the way but I've spent the past week editing it and it isn't perfect but I'm damn proud of it. I can't wait for all of you to see it. I really hope you guys enjoy it because a lot of love and effort went into it.
Life is short, it's hard and brutal so I'm a big believer you have to chase after what you want. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. When people tell you that the path you are is wrong, or that you will fail, well, that is when you try harder. That is when you double down. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. A lot of people told me this project couldn't be finished, that it wouldn't be good, well you guys let me know tomorrow what you think. |
AuthorJonathan Gutheinz vents about everything under the sun. Archives
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